A video from Week 23 in review shows an attacker clearly entering the PA to soon during a PK, due to the feint. This was clearly a violation of Law 14, yet the goal stood. The violation and the non-call are both very common occurrences. My first question is: At the taking of a penalty kick would you ever bother to call a foul(on a defender or attacker)for entering the PA by a few feet to soon; if a goal was scored, of if the keeper obtained control, or if the shot went across the end line? In all instances this foul seems to be trifling to me, but without guidance from the Laws different referees will call this same type of play differently. My second question, assuming you agree it is acceptable for me to view this as a trifling offense, is why have the law if we are not going to enforce it consistently? Many coaches, players and parents/fans do read the Laws, and it is reasonable for them to expect the laws to be enforced.

When referees don’t enforce the Laws consistently it undermines our credibility, and in my opinion rightfully so. My humble suggestion would be to take the Law 14 sentences “… infringes the Laws of the game:”, and add the phrase “and interferes with the taking of the kick or the defending of the kick:”

USSF answer (December 21, 2009):

We beg to differ with your statement that no call was made. In point of fact, players from both teams enter the penalty area in both Clip 1 and Clip 2 from Week in Review 23. While the encroachment by these players is clearly against the procedure mandated in Law 14, the referee is allowed to exercise discretion and determine whether the encroachment has had an effect on the kick. In these two cases, the answer for the referees on those games was that the infringement was trifling and had no effect.

As to changes in the wording of the Law, those are not up to us but to the International Football Association Board, the body that makes the rules.…


I have been watching many English Premier League (EPL), UEFA Champions League, and other European league matches on TV. In most of the matches in which a PK occurs, I notice that the referees do not penalize players for encroaching into the PA, nor the GK for coming off his Goal Line, before the PK is taken. For example, in the recent Stoke City vs Wigan Athletics EPL match on 12/12/2009, in the 90th minute of the match, Wigan was awarded a PK. As the Wigan player was running to take the kick, and just prior to making contact, at least 4 Stoke City players were already 2-4 yds into the box and the GK was about 2 yds off his line. The GK made the “save.” Neither the Referee, nor the Assistant Referee, indicated any offense to the encroachments.

In the ensuing commentaries, I heard it mentioned it was OK for the “back line” to encroach, but not the GK to come off his line.

Don’t these European leagues adhere to the FIFA LOTG? Or, am I missing something like an unwritten rule not to penalize the encroachments unless … ?

USSF answer (December 21, 2009):
We certainly cannot comment on calls made by referees in other countries; not our business. However, while it is not strictly in accord with the Law, many referees at the higher levels of play do not call the encroachment by either team unless it has some effect on the kick. If it DOES make a difference, then it had better be called, but either of those decision is up to the referee on the game. Do not attempt this at home.…


This item from SoccerAmerica.com says it better than I could. Pat Smith was my friend and mentor. In fact, Pat was a friend of us all: referees, instructors, and assessors. He was one of the true shapers of our current USSF referee program.

by Paul Kennedy, Wednesday, Dec 9, 2009 7:00 AM ET
[OBITUARY] Hall of Famer Pat Smith, best known for his pioneering work as a referee, died Sunday at his home in Callaway, Fla. He was 86.

Smith was a referee in the North American Soccer League and from 1970 to 1977 served as director of officials with the American Soccer League.

Smith served as director of assessment for the NASL and recommended referees to the U.S. and FIFA refereeing list. He helped start the national instructional program for referees. In 1979, he was honored with the first-ever Eddie Pearson Award for contributions to U.S. Soccer’s referee program.

Smith began his playing career with Ohio club Dayton Edelweiss and helped launch the soccer program at the University of Dayton.

A Pat Smith Soccer Scholarship Award has been started in his honor: Pat Smith Soccer Scholarship, 6226 Seminole Drive, Panama City, FL 32404.

A memorial service will begin Saturday at 6 p.m. in the Wilson Funeral Home chapel. Before the service, the family will receive friends from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Address: Wilson Funeral Home, 214 Airport Road, Panama City, Fla. Telephone: 850-785-5272.


Download a printable copy of the following checklist: KFTM_Checklist.pdf

To: National Referees
National Instructors
National Assessors
State Referee Administrators
State Youth Referee Administrators
State Directors of Instruction
State Directors of Assessment
State Directors of Coaching

From: Alfred Kleinaitis
Manager of Referee Development and Education

Subject: Kicks from the Penalty Mark Checklist

Date: April 2, 2009

In many parts of the country, tournaments are starting to occur and often their rules include requirements for breaking ties. However, information about the mechanics and procedures involved in taking kicks from the penalty mark to break a tie is spread across several sources:
• the Laws of the Game,
• the new “Interpretation and Guidelines” section of the Laws of the Game published by FIFA (and available on the USSF website under “Laws of the Game”),
• Advice to Referees, and
• earlier memoranda distributed by US Soccer Referee Department.

The following checklist of responsibilities, guidelines, and procedures is provided as a useful single source of guidance for referees who need to conduct this process. The checklist begins at the top of the next page to facilitate printing out just the checklist.

Kicks From The Penalty Mark Checklist
(References below to “regular play” include any additional periods of play required by the competition authority as a means of breaking a tie prior to the use of kicks from the penalty mark. References to “round” mean the entire set of eligible players for a team.)

Before the conclusion of regular play
• Cover in the pregame basic requirements for this procedure
• In competitions using unlimited substitution rules, remind both coaches at a convenient stoppage (e.g., between the first and second additional periods of play) that:
o Only players on the field at the end of regular play will be eligible to participate in kicks from the mark
o Eligible players must be kept separate from ineligible players when regular play ends

Between the conclusion of regular play and the taking of the first kick
• The “kicks from the penalty mark” phase of the match begins immediately upon the conclusion of regular play and includes the activities described in this section
• Determine the number of eligible players for each team
o Eligible players include any players temporarily off the field with the permission or at the direction of the referee (e.g., receiving treatment, correcting equipment, bleeding, or blood on the uniform who have not been substituted with the permission of the referee)
o A player temporarily off the field at the end of regular play who is declared unable to return after regular play has ended but before the first kick from the mark is taken may not be substituted for and will reduce the number of eligible players for that team
• If, based on this determination, the teams are of unequal numbers, the team with more eligible players must “reduce to equate”
o The captain of the larger team must identify the player(s) to be excluded from participating in kicks from the penalty mark as a means of making equal the number of eligible players on each team
o The excluded player(s) must join team officials and substitutes in the technical area
• Allow eligible players to receive water, treatment, equipment repair, or other such assistance on the field near their bench. Team officials may temporarily enter the field but must exit the field when directed by the referee.
• Decide which end of the field will be used for this procedure
o The senior assistant referee takes a position at the intersection of the goal line and the goal area line
o The other assistant referee will be located in the center circle
• Conduct a coin toss (winner chooses which team will kick first)
• At the conclusion of the break time set by the competition authority, ensure that only eligible players remain on the field
o Defending goalkeeper properly positioned at the goal
o Non-defending goalkeeper at the intersection of the goal line and the penalty area line behind the lead assistant referee
o All others off the field (substitutes and team officials in their respective technical areas)

During kicks from the penalty mark (from the first kick onward)
• All eligible players (including the goalkeeper) must conform with the uniform and equipment requirements of Law 4
• All players and substitutes remain under the authority of the referee
• A foul cannot be committed, but an appropriate card can be shown for misconduct
• A caution issued during regular play (including any extra time) is counted in causing a send-off if a second caution is given during kicks from the mark
• Team officials are required to behave in a responsible manner
• A player who is sent off or is injured and unable to continue will reduce the team’s pool of eligible players but the opposing team will not further “reduce to equate”
• Substitutions are not permitted
o However, an injured goalkeeper may be substituted if the team has not used all its permitted substitutions
o If the goalkeeper had kicked before being replaced, the goalkeeper’s substitute from off the field is considered also to have kicked
o No eligible player will be permitted to kick more than once in the same round of that player’s team
o The goalkeeper may change places with an eligible teammate at any time provided the requirements of Law 3 are met
• Except where modified by rules specific to this procedure, kicks from the mark are conducted in accordance with the requirements and procedures in Law 14, the Guide to Procedures, and the officiating team’s pregame discussion
o However, once the ball is in play, the kicker may not play the ball again in any way (including if the ball rebounds from the goalkeeper, the crossbar, or a goalpost)
o A goal is scored by a kick from the mark only if it meets the requirements of Law 10
o If the kicker violates Law 14 and a goal is scored or if the goalkeeper violates Law 14 and a goal is not scored, the kick must be retaken
o If, as a result of a violation, the kick must be repeated, it may be taken by a different eligible player
• The other eligible player must not have kicked already in the same round
• The original kicker whose kick is retaken by a different eligible player is not counted as having taken a kick
o The senior assistant referee assists the referee with determining if a goal has been scored and whether there has been illegal goalkeeper movement which affected the outcome of the kick
o The other assistant referee assists in managing the eligible players in the center circle and maintaining an orderly movement of the players out from and back to the center circle, in accordance with the procedures discussed in the pregame
• If the end of the field being used for kicks from the mark becomes unplayable (pitch conditions and/or the condition of the goal), the referee may change to the other end of the field, but it is recommended that, if possible, this not be done until each team has kicked an equal number of times
• Unless otherwise specified by the rules of competition, the final match report will indicate the tied score at the end of regular play (including any extra time) and will then indicate the final tally of kicks from the mark which allowed one team to advance
• If, through misconduct, injury, or other cause, the number of players on a team falls below seven, the kicks from the penalty mark will continue so long as the team has at least a single eligible player

Initial group of 5 kicks from the mark
• Kicks from the mark are conducted in pairs, one from each team, for an initial round of up to five pairs
• Kicks from the mark are stopped and one team is declared the winner if that team has scored more goals than the other team and the number of kicks remaining for that other team is insufficient to make up the difference (e.g., 3-0 after three rounds — the team with 0 cannot make up the difference since only two kicks remain)
• Kicks from the mark proceed past the initial round of five only if, after five kicks by each team, the score is still tied

Initial round of all eligible players
• Past the initial group of five, kicks from the mark proceed only in single pairs
• At this point, kicks from the mark are stopped and one team is declared the winner if that team has scored in its pair but the other team has not
• An eligible player is guilty of misconduct (delaying the restart of play) if that player refuses or is not present to take a kick after all other eligible players have kicked in the round of that team and the player’s continued refusal or absence shall result in that player being sent off and declared ineligible
• If kicks from the mark proceed beyond all eligible players into a second or subsequent round, players are not required to kick in the same order as in any previous round…


You have probably seen the NCAA game that ended with KFTM, where a shot was saved by the GK and rebounded high in the air out near the 12 yard line and landed with backspin. The ball slowly rolled back into the goal as it was ignored by the GK. Neither the CR nor AR initially realized the goal should count, but the opposing GK (teammate of the shooter) vociferously pointed it out to the AR, and eventually the goal counted.

After hearing a lot of comments from referees on what they would do if this happened in a USSF game, I’d appreciate your comments. Some of these experienced referees have stated they would not count the goal (despite what seems to me to be clear in the Laws), stating things such as:
– “If there ever was a time when a referee should declare a penalty kick to be over before it technically must be declared over, this would be that time. Neither the goalkeeper nor the kicker entertained the possibility that a goal might still be scored.”
– “If this happened in most of our games, I suspect very few of us would award a goal. And I don’t think we SHOULD. . . If I’m the referee and a ball bounces off the crossbar and is 10 yards away from the goal line, in my opinion the kick has been completed.”
– “Besides being correct in what I feel is the spirit of the game or common sense, I believe a no-goal ruling also is correct by the letter of the law, as clarified by the ATR.”
– “That is very easy to defend: It is not a misapplication of the LOTG. It is a fact of play and the referee’s decision reigns supreme.”

I will go out on a limb and say that goal/no goal decisions are always in the category of “facts of play” (not protestable) and never “misapplications.”
– “You may want to re-read the relevant portion of the ATR again. The first time I read it, I missed the part about the ball needing to be in contact with post/bar/GK/ground AND still moving. Those criteria were NOT met on this particular kick. At least, at one point they were not and it seems completely valid for a referee to rule that the kick was completed — way before it came 10 yards back toward the goal line and crossed the line.”
– “Lets go directly to Law 5: The decisions of the referee regarding facts connected with play, including whether or not a goal is scored and the result of the match, are final. That is about as explicit as you can get. If the referee says it’s a goal then it’s a goal. If the referee says it’s not a goal then it’s not a goal. The decision is final. That means it cannot be protested.”

– – – – –

Based on the above statements by experienced referees, here are my questions, assuming this was a USSF game:

1. Under FIFA/USSF rules, should this goal count?

2. Assume the goal was not allowed and there was a protest.

Assuming the CR and AR accurately state that the ball spun back over the goal line but say that they believe the kick was over because it rebounded so far from the goal, would this be considered a misapplication of the LOTG (and thus protestable) or a factual situation that cannot be protested?

Thanks for your help. I think a lot of referees could use it in this situation.

USSF answer (December 8, 2009):
The first paragraph of Advice 14.13 is pretty clear; it also follows word for word the instructions from FIFA on when the kick has been completed. However, we might suggest that skeptics use their common sense and read the phrase “any combination of the ground, crossbar, goalposts, and goalkeeper, a goal can still be scored” to mean in sequence or combination of those things. If the ball remains in motion after it has rebounded or deflected from any of those things and remains in the field, it is still in play. A referee would not stop play for such a thing during the game and there is no reason to stop it during penalty kicks or kicks from the penalty mark.

Answers: 1. Score the goal. 2. That situation would be counter to the Laws and tradition.

The penalty kick or kick from the penalty mark is completed only when the referee declares it so, and the referee should not declare the kick to be completed if there is any possibility that the ball is still in play. In other words: So long as the ball is in motion and contacting any combination of the ground, crossbar, goalposts, and goalkeeper, a goal can still be scored.

//rest deleted as non-pertinent//…


When does the requirement to “Reduce to Equate” end.


At the final whistle Blue has 11 players, Red 9. The Blue captain tells 2 players that they cannot participate in the KFTPM. As the Blue players are leaving the center circle, and before the first kick a Red player says something and a fight breaks out between the 2 Blue players and the Red player. The 3 players (2 X Blue + 1 X Red) each receive a Red Card. As Red now has only 8 eligible players must Blue now reduce to equate again? If yes, does the “Reduce to Equate” period extend until the first kick is taken?

USSF answer (December 8, 2009):
The requirement to reduce to equate pertains only to the players remaining on the field or those temporarily off the field with the permission of the referee when the game ends. If a player is removed from the field for misconduct or injury AFTER the kicks begin the contest continues without him or her. If this occurs BEFORE the kicks begin, reduce to equate applies. So in your situation — the misconduct occurring before the first kick is taken — the two Blue players (who were ineligible in any event) are sent off and another Blue player is removed to meet the requirement to reduce to equate because the Red player has been sent off, the teams now play 8 Blue versus 8 Red.

We distinguish between when the “KFTPM phase of play” begins and when the “kicks from the mark begin.” The KFTPM phase begins the moment the final whistle sounds (including any required additional playing time). The kicks themselves begin only with the taking of the first kick. The distinction exists because the requirement to reduce to equate ends with the taking of the first kick.

This means that if Blue loses a player to injury or misconduct while, say, the coin toss is being performed to determine which team kicks first, Red will reduce by one. Marking the kicks phase is important because, once this phase begins, no substitution is permitted (except for an injured goalkeeper and only if the team has a permissible substitution remaining to it under the rules of competition). You will find this information in the USSF position paper of April 2, 2009, on Kicks from the Penalty Mark. (See the subsequent post, Kicks from the Penalty Mark — Checklist.)…


An AR raises his flag to signal that team A’s goalkeeper has stepped out of the area with the ball in his hands before punting it. The center referee doesn’t see the signal for approximately 15-20 seconds. The ball has traveled all the way to the opposite end of the field before the referee notices the flag and blows his whistle. He does not give any indication to the teams that the infraction occurred at the other end of the field. Team B’s players think an infraction has been called in their end of the field and do a quick restart where the ball was stopped. Several seconds later the referee stops play.

He then restarts play with a dropped ball in Team B’s end of the field saying Team B did a quick restart. Obviously if the players knew the infraction occurred 70 yards down the field just outside the area, they would have taken a direct kick on goal from there. Did the referee act correctly in allowing the quick restart point which was 70 yards from where the infraction occurred?

USSF answer (December 2, 2009):
Your information (not included here) suggests that you were at a high school game, for which we cannot provide an official response. If we assume that the game was played under the Laws of the Game, then here is your answer. Be prepared, as mistake after mistake seems to have turned this game into a fiasco.

1. First we have to ask if the flag by the AR was REALLY necessary? Generally this infringement is trifling, particularly if no one but the AR noticed it. And because it was likely trifling and the referee took so long to notice it, the flag should have been dropped almost immediately. (And if it was the first occasion, it would likely have required only a brief and professional warning to watch the line, which the AR could have done him- or herself.)

2. Are we certain that the referee stopped play for the flag or only noticed it after he stopped the game (and decided to disregard it)? That would explain the restart at the far end of the field.

3. General lack of professional conduct by the referee in not making clear what was happening.

4. Tough luck for the Team B players, who drew a conclusion not supported by the actions of the referee. (Clearly ambiguous, or were they not? See 2.)

Without knowing what the referee was actually thinking, we cannot answer your final question with certainty and authority.…


Goal keeper grabbed the ball in his hands, all players were taking back their positions. An opponent player intentially pushed the goal keeper. Goal keeper was started to protested. Match referee was not absolutely sure about the fact. He came in D area and showed the Yellow card to goal keeper. Every one was stunned. Goal keeper came out from D area along with football during protestion. One player, asked the referee to concern with assistant referee. Assistant referee told the actual fact to match referee. Then he took back his decision of yellow card which he showed against goal keeper. And gave the free kick to other team outside the D because goal keeper took the football outside the D in his hands during protestion. Question is that, can a referee withdraw from his wrong decision of Yellow card during the match and if he do that, then if goal keeper during protestion against the wrong decision of referee, come out from D area with the ball in his hands, be punishable?

USSF answer (November 25, 2009):
If the referee had already stopped play for the incident between the goalkeeper and his opponent, then the place where the restart must be taken is the place where the opponent pushed the goalkeeper. That would be a direct free kick for the goalkeeper’s team. The referee cannot change the location of the restart.…


In a match, one team secured the goal and referee gave goal whistle. Afterwards, he forthwith came to know from the outside persons that actually ball was touched by the player’s hand and then it was entered in goal net. Before start of the game again, referee took back his decision of goal and called the player and showed him “yellow card” as he didn’t reveal this fact. Question is that can a referee take back his decision of goal if he come to know from the public that he has given a wrong decision.

USSF answer (November 25, 2009):
The referee should not accept information from anyone other than his assistant referees or fourth official. However, if the referee had received this information from one of the assistant referees or the fourth official, then, yes, he could deny the goal, caution the player, and restart with a direct free kick from the place where the infringement occurred.…


I have sat through the entry level referee clinics several times now and it has seldom been taught by the same guy twice. I do so to give the new referees a chance to meet their assignor and to keep myself in the loop on how they are being taught this year.

One year the instructor said that all balls should be checked by a gauge before the game. This he said was due to differences in construction, ambient temperature, altitude, etc…. The next sighted a ‘rule of thumb’ where you simply push in with two thumbs to get a feel for whether the ball is tight enough. I happen to side with the first of the two, especially knowing the I have some referees that could barely push a ball in at 6 lbs. and others that work in a packing house by day and could easily push in a ball at 18 lbs.

Here in lies my problem. I have a gauge and a back up (as well as one that is on an cordless electric pump that I keep in my bag). All 3 read the balls differently to one degree or another. How do I determine which is right and which one(s) I should throw away?

USSF answer (November 24, 2009):
Different instructors use different methods to make their points. As long as the referee learns that he or she must apply the requirements of Law 2, the Federation and the Law are satisfied.

As to how to judge the suitability of the ball, that is left to the discretion of the referee, based on what is suitable for this particular game.…