
I am a fully qualified referee in [another country] and was recently spectating an U17 girl’s national championship match. At a guess, first-half time was almost expired. A player was hurt and had been receiving on-field medical attention for a couple of minutes while the ball was out of play (went out over the touchline). On resolving the player’s injury the referee blew her whistle for half-time. It was my understanding a referee can only blow their whistle for end of a half when the ball is in play? Am I right on this issue, or can a referee in fact signal the end of a half when the ball is out of play?
I’ve been researching this for a while because it would be helpful
to know the real ruling.

USSF answer (July 14, 2009):
While we cannot necessarily condone the referee’s allowing treatment on the field for a non-serious injury nor her not allowing additional time in the half (if there was still time left until the half truly ended), the whistle to signal the halftime break was probably okay.  It is a practical way to let everyone involved in the game know that the half is indeed over.

Except for time running out before a penalty kick can be taken, there is no requirement in the Law that a period of play cannot be ended with the ball not in play. Although many referees will attempt to discover “added time” for such restarts as a corner kick, the fundamental point is that, when time is up (including allowances for time lost due to excessively delayed restarts), it’s up. End it.…


Player A1 takes a throw in from the spot designated by the Referee/AR.  A foul throw in is observed by the referee but the ball did not enter the field of play, that is, the ball did not break the plane of the touchline.

The throw in was not executed properly and the opponents (team B) argued they should be entitled to the throw in.  But the ball never entered the field of play so the side originally entitled to the throw in (team A) argued they should still be entitled to the throw in because the ball did not enter the field.

What is the proper restart?

USSF answer (July 14, 2009):
The other team was correct; they get the throw-in.

This from the Interpretations of the Laws of the Game and Guide to Referees (2009/2010):
If the ball touches the ground before entering the field of play, the throw-in is retaken by the same team from the same position provided that it was taken in line with the correct procedure. If the throw-in is not taken in line with the correct procedure, it is retaken by the opposing team.…



On 6/16/06, you wrote the following:

“In those competitions that do not provide for water breaks, the spirit of the game requires the referee to ensure the safety of the players. Preventing injury from heat exhaustion would fall into that aspect of the referee’s duties. The answer may be summed up in two words: common sense.

“In fact, both the referee and the team officials share in the responsibility to protect player safety. The referee could, at a stoppage called for any reason, “suggest” the taking of water by any players interested in doing so. The timing of such a break and its length would be at the discretion of the referee. Obviously, the referee could decide to take this approach on his or her own initiative, with or without prior consultation with the coaches.

“However, either or both coaches could approach the referee prior to the match and suggest the need for extra hydration, in which case the intelligent referee would be well advised to listen and act accordingly.”

– –  In the past few days, a referee has claimed that these instructions have now been superseded by the USSF and that a referee cannot suggest a water break or even allow a break when the ball is out of play – no matter how hot the day or how young the players – unless it is in the tournament rules. Is he correct that things have changed or is the opinion from June of 2006 still valid?

I hope that you can address this quickly with the hottest part of summer approaching. The health or even the lives of some young players might be at risk.


USSF answer (July 13, 2009):
The opinion of the United States Soccer Federation remains the same as it was in 2006:  The safety of the players comes first and referees are expected to see to it that players are protected in every way possible.

Addendum:  It is possible that you may have been distracted by some controversy over an incident in a professional game.  Those are adults, playing other adults, all of them aware of what is going on.  Referees are not to order water breaks at professional games and should apply common sense at other levels.…


Please clarify the new signal for the AR. As I understand it, the AR is to Hold the flag in both hands parallel with the ground if a foul is called by the referee and the referee is looking to the AR for guidance rather it occurred inside the penalty area or outside. If inside, the flag as mentioned above, if outside the flag down at the AR’s side.

If the AR calls the foul (inside the penalty area) the AR should raise the flag, give it a wave, then walk to the corner flag while making eye contact with the referee.

I was recently told that this was no longer the case, the AR would signal for the foul, then bring the flag down parallel to the ground as mentioned above.

USSF answer (July 9, 2009):
When the referee has signaled a direct free kick foul and makes obvious eye contact with the assistant referee for advice on whether the offense occurred inside the penalty area, the assistant referee’s signal to indicate that the offense was inside the penalty area is to display the flag across the lower body.  The same signal is also used when the AR has indicated a direct free kick foul committed by a defender inside the defender’s penalty area. In a change from last year, the AR should insert the new flag signal (display the flag across the lower body) after waggling the flag to indicate the foul and before beginning to move down toward the goal line to take the position for the recommended penalty kick.

In addition, the responsibilities of the lead assistant referee for the taking of a penalty kick (as well as for kicks from the penalty mark to break a tie) will now clearly include assisting the referee in determining if a goal has been scored and for indicating if the goalkeeper has moved illegally AND IT MADE A DIFFERENCE. The signal to indicate this is the same as the signal described in the previous paragraph. Referees must be sure to discuss these changes regarding penalty kick and kicks from the mark situations in their pregame and to be very clear about the circumstances in which the signal for goalkeeper movement should be given.

This information will be included in the 2009/2010 edition of the Guide to Procedures for Referees, Assistant Referees and Fourth Officials.…


I’m sure you’ve seen this and I’m sure someone somewhere has said something to the Federation, but in Interpretations it absolutely positively says you don’t have to wait for contact with the ball to put up the flag for interfering with play if you think no onside player has a chance to play the ball. This, of course, is in direct contradiction to the 3/29 memo which is just as clear that you DO have to wait until contact is made with the ball.

So we seem to have a clear case of USSF policy contradicting LOTG. Do you have any idea what is going on?

USSF answer (July 8, 2009):
The intent of the language associated with diagram 4 under the interpretations for Law 11 —

A player in an offside position (A) may be penalized before playing or touching the ball, if, in the opinion of the referee, no other team-mate in an onside position has the opportunity to play the ball.

— is the IFAB’s typically roundabout way of saying precisely what we have always said in this regard; namely, that the race between an attacker in an offside position and one or more attackers in an onside position can only be resolved by seeing which one gets to the ball first and touches it. In the absence of any onside position attacker who is judged clearly unable to get to the ball before any of his onside position teammates, the offside offense may be called. This is NOT the same situation as when a ball is played toward an attacker in an offside position attacker and the only way to tell if that attacker will interfere with play is to see if that attacker touches the ball. In the absence of touching the ball, we cannot make any inference that the attacker could or might interfere with play because he or she could, right on up to the last moment, not touch the ball.

NOTE: In other words, there is no contradiction of the March 29, 2009, position paper.

Further, even if this is taken as a digression from the IFAB interpretation, this would not be either the first nor the only place where such a divergence has occurred. We remain, for example, at odds with the interpretations on such other matters as the AR’s signal for blatant goalkeeper movement at a penalty kick and whether a player who is off the field to correct an equipment problem can return to the field while the ball is in play (assuming the referee has given permission and the responsibility for checking if the correction has been made was delegated to the AR or 4th official).…


In Referee Week in Review – Week 15, the first video clip illustrates a deliberate handling foul (Colorado at Seattle, 32:00).

In the podcast discussion, the concept of “making oneself bigger” is emphasized. In the video, as the ball strikes the player, the player seems more to be making himself smaller, drawing his arms inward and slightly turning his body away from the ball.

I am not questioning the handling call itself, as it is easy enough to argue that the arms were deliberately moved into the path of the ball. But could you explain further how the concept of making oneself bigger applies to this particular incident?

The player taking away the kicker’s passing lane using hands/arms is also discussed. Prior to making contact with the ball, the player does leap with arms stretched upward–is this where making oneself bigger applies? And if so, how does this factor into the foul since no contact with the ball occurred while the arms were outstretched?

Thanks much.

USSF answer (July 8, 2009):
Referees at all levels must understand the criteria and the context in which terms are used and must analyze how the term, concept or criteria should be extended to use in a game. This is the case with the criterion “making yourself bigger.” Remember, not EVERY example or use of a criterion can be mentioned. For this reason, the ability to analyze and understand how it should be interpreted or applied is critical to an official’s success.

Here is the full definition of “making yourself bigger” found in U.S. Soccer’s 2009 Referee Program Directives. The definition should answer your question.

This refers to the placement of the arm(s)/hand(s) of the defending player at the time the ball is played by the opponent. Should an arm/hand be in a position that takes away space from the team with the ball and the ball contacts the arm/hand, the referee should interpret this contact as handling. Referees should interpret this action as the defender “deliberately” putting his arm/hand in a position in order to reduce the options of the opponent (like spreading your arms wide to take away the passing lane of an attacker).

• Does the defender use his hand/arm as a barrier?

• Does the defender use his hand/arm to take away space and/or the passing lane from the opponent?

• Does the defender use his hand/arm to occupy more space by extending his reach or extending the ability of his body to play the ball thereby benefiting from the extension(s)?

Nowhere in the definition does it state that “making yourself bigger” applies ONLY to the arms at your side. On the contrary, it merely covers “takes away space from the team with the ball…” and “deliberately putting his arm/hand in a position in order to reduce the options of the opponent.” Notice, it does not mention only to the side nor how far from the body the arms/hands can be. The definition also says “LIKE spreading your arms wide….” Key is the word “like.” This means there are other reasonable answers.

So, in this case, think about what “bigger” means. When a person is said to be “bigger,” it does not mean only to the side. It means all around the body. This should include above the body as well. A player can clearly take away a passing lane or space from an opponent by extending his arm/hand directly in front of himself. This fits the definition of “making yourself bigger.” Think about the concept and draw a mental picture for yourself.

Concepts like “making yourself bigger” and “unnatural position” can overlap also. This is a case when both occur in the same action by the defender.…


My basic assumption about this was challenged this weekend by a seasoned referee. I realize that the ref must be notified if another player already on the pitch changes places with the goalkeeper during the game, lest the ref caution each player at the next stoppage. I had always been led to believe that this same rule applied to coaches changing keepers during the halftime interval, that if the ref is not notified of the change, then the cautions apply. I was told I was wrong on my understanding and that cautions could only be issued if the change happened during the run of play, not during halftime.

Keep in mind that the majority of my games are youth games with open, unlimited substitution permitted and have always chosen to “remind” coaches of this if I noticed a goalkeeper change at halftime rather than issue cards. Nevertheless, should it be desireable for me to do so, could I caution both players involved in a GK change at halftime if I were not notified, or does this apply only to a GK changing places with a field player on the pitch during the run of play.

Thank you for you assistance.

USSF answer (July 7, 2009):
Although that is no longer in writing, the Federation still recommends that the referee be proactive in such cases and ask if there will be/have been any substitutions at the halftime break, particularly at the youth level. The Law itself now requires that the full substitution process be completed before the half begins or any period of extra time begins. See the Interpretations of the Laws of the Game and Guidelines for Referees at the back of the law book. The final bullet point applies here.

Substitution Procedure
– A substitution may be made only during a stoppage in play
– The assistant referee signals that a substitution has been requested
– The player being substituted receives the referee’s permission to leave the field of play, unless he is already off the field of play for reasons that comply with the Laws of the Game
– The referee gives the substitute permission to enter the field of play
– Before entering the field of play, the substitute waits for the player he is replacing to leave the field
– The player being substituted is not obliged to leave the field of play on the halfway line
– Permission to proceed with a substitution may be refused under certain circumstances, e. g., if the substitute is not ready to enter the field of play
– A substitute who has not completed the substitution process by setting foot onto the field of play cannot restart play by taking a throw-in or corner kick
– If a player who is about to be replaced refuses to leave the field of play, play continues
– If a substitution is made during the half-time interval or before extra time, the process is to be completed before the second half or extra time kicks off.


1. Is there a proper way as an AR to signal the center referee over?

2. When an AR feels a necessity for a player to become carded, what way is the AR suppose to let the center referee know?

USSF answer (July 6, 2009):
This is a matter to be discussed in the pregame conference. Normal procedure for dealing with situations of that nature are:
1. Stand at attention.
2. Stand at attention; when the referee looks over, indicate by patting the chest that a card is necessary.…


Simple question, do you have to have a goalkeeper to start a game? Or can you use the minimum seven players as on field players.

Why I ask, while watching a game last week, the keeper walked off the field (with permission by the ref) and the team refused to put a keeper in as there was 10 minutes to go. The referee refused to start the match until a keeper was put in. Is this correct?

USSF answer (July 1, 2009):
Simple answer: Yes, each team must have a designated goalkeeper on the field of play for the game to begin. However, that does not require that the goalkeeper be on the field the entire time nor present for every REstart.

While the team is required to have a goalkeeper, there is no requirement that that goalkeeper be on the field nor able to participate in play. (We could point to an October 2004 incident in an English Premier League match between Manchester City and Bolton Wanderers in which the referee allowed the goalkeeper to lie on the ground unattended for well over a minute; the goalkeeper, who had fallen without any contact from either opponent or teammate, finally got up. Luckily for him and his team no goal was scored.)

The Law also allows the goalkeeper (or any other player) to leave the field during the course of play and if, after the restart (typically a throw-in), the goalkeeper has not returned and a goal is scored, life is hard.

While off the field with the permission of the referee, the goalkeeper (like any other player) is still a player for purposes of determining the number of players on the team (the ‘keeper in your scenario remains legally allowed to be on the field, though in this case he requires the referee’s permission to return).  We would consider this as comparable to the decision process the referee must go through if a team has only seven players and one leaves the field:  If the departure is very temporary and in the course of play (no referee permission required to re-enter), play continues.  If the departure is temporary and the player needs the permission of the referee to return, the referee should not restart play until the player has returned with permission. If the player (whether goalkeeper or not) is not ready to return when the restart is able to be taken, why should the game wait for this player? That is not fair to the other team. In the case of a goalkeeper who is not willing to return within a reasonable amount of time, the team should then either substitute in a new goalkeeper or the game would be abandoned and a full report submitted to the competition authority.…


I was wondering if you knew the official definitions of the refereeing notions: “referee’s factual decision” and “referee’s technical error” as per the examples below:

“the factual decision taken by the referee has to be accepted, even if it is wrong.” http://www.uefa.com/uefa/news/kind=2/newsid=151.html

“taking into consideration that the referee in the match in question had indeed committed a technical error.” http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/archive/germany2006/news/newsid=27212.html

USSF answer (July 1, 2009):
The Laws of the Game define “the factual decision” in this way (Law 5):
Decisions of the Referee
The decisions of the referee regarding facts connected with play, including whether or not a goal is scored and the result of the match, are final.

The referee may only change a decision on realizing that it is incorrect or, at his discretion, on the advice of an assistant referee, provided that he has not restarted play or terminated the match.

“Decision 3
“Facts connected with play shall include whether a goal is scored or not and the result of the match.”

As pointed out in the UEFA decision, it makes no difference if the decision was correct or wrong, it was the decision and must therefore be respected as such.

A technical error occurs when the referee recognizes an infringement of the Laws but restarts the game in the wrong way (as in your example of the penalty kick in World Cup qualifying game). Such a decision is correctable by the competition authority.…