This event occurs often especially in HS boys games due to the size of the GK, slick pitch and the Goal Area size.

Event description: GK in his/her own Goal Area, runs toward the attacker and initiates a slide tackle from inside the Goal Area. However, GK’s momentum carries his/her legs across the Goal Area Line and the resulting contact between the GK’s legs and the ball occurs outside the Goal Area. Endangering the safety of the opponent is not observed in the event described above.

Because contact with the ball occurs outside the Goal Area but the slide began inside the Goal Area, what “options” are suggested?

2008 Amendments to the Futsal Laws
Direct free kick
New Text
A direct free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following seven infringements in a manner considered by the referees to be careless, reckless or using excessively forceful:
• kicking or attempting to kick an opponent;
• tripping or attempting to trip an opponent, either by sliding or by bending down in front of or behind an opponent;
• jumping at an opponent;
• charging an opponent,
• striking or attempting to strike an opponent;
• tackling an opponent;
• pushing an opponent.
A direct free kick shall also be awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following four infringements.
• holding an opponent;
• spitting at an opponent;
• sliding in an attempt to play the ball while an opponent is playing it or is about to play it (sliding tackle), except for the goalkeeper in his/her own penalty area, provided he/she does not endanger the safety of an opponent;
• carrying, striking or throwing the ball with one’s hands or arms, except for the goalkeeper in his/her own penalty area.

USSF answer (December 10, 2008):
In Futsal, goalkeepers are allowed to slide as long as it’s for the ball, the slide is inside the penalty area, and their actions don’t endanger an opponent. Otherwise, a slide tackle for the ball by the goalkeeper outside the penalty area should be treated no differently than another player slide tackling for a ball. If, in the opinion of the referee, an opponent is within playing distance then it’s a direct free kick offense. From the way you describe this event, even though there was no contact made with the opponent, since the goalkeeper made initial contact with the ball outside the penalty area, this sounds like a direct free kick just outside the penalty area for a sliding tackle.…


I saw an interesting situation recently in an international Friendly (Germany-England). The ball had been pushed forward by a German midfielder, and was being shepherded by an English defender to the goalkeeper. A German attacker, who had been in an offside position when the ball was pushed forward, “interfered with play” – he reached between the defender’s legs and played the ball, eventually eluding the goalkeeper and scoring. I originally assumed the AR made a mistake (it was an off&on offside situation). I later considered, however, that “possession and control” by an opponent will “reset” the offside condition, which leads me to ask whether shielding/shepherding the ball counts as “possession and control” in terms of resetting offside.

USSF answer (December 9, 2008):
As you note, the attacking forward’s offside position could still come into play here. If, as pointed out in Advice to Referees 11.14 (Becoming “Onside”), the ball is played (possessed and controlled, not simply deflected) by an opponent, including the opposing goalkeeper, then the offside position must be reevaluated. If, in the opinion of the referee, the defending player had established possession, then the forward is relieved of the burden of the former offside position and may play the ball. However, if the defender is not in possession — in the opinion of the referee — the forward must be called for the offside.

In this case, for purposes of deciding if the defender’s actions constitute “possession and control” and thus reset the offside position decision, we believe the defender cannot be “in possession” if he is merely shielding the ball, assuming that by “shielding the ball” you mean nothing more than interposing the body without making any contact with the ball.  In short, shielding the ball does not mean “in possession” in this specific context and thus the terms of Advice 11.14 have not been fulfilled. Decision: Offside.…


In the opinion of the Referee?

Look up a definition of “throw.” Now consider the following which has been observed several times in the last few weeks Futsal games.

Keeper runs towards the edge of the Goal Area Line and begins what would normally be a distribution of the ball by “throwing” but then “fumbles” (loses his/her grip on the ball) and the ball ends up an inch or two outside the Goal Area Line. The GK, seeing an attacker running towards the ball, is uncertain what to do. Consequently, the GK decides to “kick” the ball in a desperate attempt to keep the attacker from making a play on the ball.

Was the Goal Clearance properly executed (based on the definition of “throw” and the action of the GK?)
If not, the GK would be entitled to a “redo” as the ball was not properly put into play under the definition of “throw.”
If the referee deems the act of the GK to be an attempt to properly execute a Goal Clearance by distribution of the ball by “throw” then by virtue of the “Second Touch” by the GK, the attacking team would be awarded an Indirect Free Kick restart.

In previous years, the issue of “kick” and the definition of “kick” has been brought up time and again. In your responses, you have articulated in Ask A Referee that “stepping on the ball” (for instance) is not considered “kicking” and therefore does not meet the requirements in the Law of a proper restart (Indirect Free Kick although we continue to see that act tried and in some cases, given acceptance by the official.) Given the great lengths taken to articulate what “kick” means, we now have a similar situation regarding what “throw” means.

In conclusion, if you were a Futsal official and witnessed the specific act by the GK described above, what would your decision be?

LAW 17 – THE GOAL CLEARANCE….……….………………………………………
A goal clearance is a method of restarting play.
A goal may not be scored directly from a goal clearance.
The goal clearance is awarded when:
· the whole of the ball, having last touched a player of the attacking team, passes over the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, and a goal is not scored in accordance with Law 11.
· the ball is thrown from any point within the penalty area by the goalkeeper of the defending team.
· opponents remain outside the penalty area until the ball is in play.
· the goalkeeper does not play the ball a second time until it has touched another player or crossed the halfway line.
· the ball is in play when it is thrown directly beyond the penalty area.
If the ball is not thrown directly beyond the penalty area:
· the goal clearance is retaken.
If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball a second time before it has touched an opponent or crossed the halfway line:

USSF answer (December 8, 2008):
In the dynamic play situation you describe, irrespective of the intent of the goalkeeper, when the ball leaves his or her possess by hand AND leaves the penalty area it is then in play. Should the goalkeeper again play the ball with his or her foot before it touches an opposing player or crosses the halfway line, the referee should award an indirect free kick to the opposing team from the place where the goalkeeper plays the ball a second time.

In specific response to your questions:
1. Yes the goal clearance was properly executed BECAUSE the ball left the penalty area. (There is no goal area in Futsal.)

2. Here are some other possibilities in your scenario;
a. If the ball had not left the penalty area yet, then the ‘keeper could have picked it up again and then thrown it into play PROVIDED he or she had not yet violated the 4-second distribution requirement. Please remember that proper distribution requires both the ball being released by the ‘keeper AND it leaving the penalty area directly. Rather than stop play and retake the goal clearance, the spirit of the law is that the goalkeeper distribute it directly into play. Provided he or she does so without violating the 4 seconds, there is no problem if s/he bobbles it or bounces it or whatever, as long as s/he gets it back into play.
b. Had the goalkeeper touched the ball with the hands after it had left the penalty area, then it should be a direct free kick to the opposing team because the ‘keeper handled the ball outside the penalty area.…


In a tournament this weekend I was told by the assessor that as AR I should be running all the way to the corner flag before signalling the goal kick. Stopping at the six and pointing toward the goal area was not enough. He called it just being lazy. On shots taken outside the eighteen, from midfield, even if 2LD was at midfield, he still wanted us to run to the corner flag before signalling. I understood this to be proper proceedure for a corner kick but had never heard of it for goal kicks.
The games I centered were confusing. The AR delaying signal until he got to the corner flag made me question whether he was calling goal kick or corner kick. Is this a new proceedure or just more creative refereeing?
All I could find in Guide to Procedures was to point toward goal area and nothing about running to corner flag. I want to use the correct procedure. Please advise.

USSF answer (December 2, 2008):
Lazy is as lazy does. The assessor’s advice is well intentioned but not entirely accurate or necessary. Of course the assistant referee should run all questionable balls the entire distance to the goal line. “Questionable balls” are those that are contested by players from both teams and could result in either a goal kick or a corner kick. However, when there is no question as to what the restart will be, and for whom, there is no need to continue all the way to the goal line. The top of the goal area is fine in most cases.…


Can you help me find a official reference to a requirement that players must have jersey numbers and a specific reference that they must be different numbers?

I was at a college showcase over the weekend and the “tournament” allowed for up to 6 guest players.  It was obvious that teams took liberty with this, allowing younger “club mates” and less skilled “club mates” from other teams in the club replace members that could not make it.  Trouble with this was many had same numbers as team mates, or no numbers at all.  Also some jerseys were markedly different (same colors as team, but reversed as though they only had away jerseys) but did not conflict with the other team at all.

Coaches didn’t complain because of the friendly nature of the showcase, and while there normally isn’t the number of occurrences that happened in this case, there’s certainly more objection in league play.

League or competition rules may specify, but according to USSF I could not find a passage in the laws or in the advice to point to these rules. I would love to have in my bag the highlighted passage from an official document from USSF (if there is one)

–  Must a player have a jersey number on the jersey?
–  Must it be different from all other numbers teams present?
–  Any special rules for goalkeeper clothing?
–  Must all jerseys be the exact same color scheme? (I am assuming in this question that the variances satisfy the requirement stated in the “advice” book in distinguishing themselves from the keepers, the other team, and the referee)

USSF answer (December 2, 2008):
A reminder that we don’t do college or high school rules here, and we certainly do not do “showcases,” which are nothing but what their name suggests, a game where players are paraded before coaches like pigs, sheep, or cattle at a country fair.

You will find nothing in the Laws of the Game or in the Advice to Referees for a good reason: Numbers and uniform details are governed by the rules of whatever competition they are being used in, not in the Laws. You will find such details in the rules of the various cup competitions played under the aegis of the USSF and USYS, and in the rules of college and high school soccer; however, In the case of “showcase” games, there will likely be no rules at all.

The Laws cover uniforms only in so far as teams must wear uniforms that are different in color from those of the opponents and of the officials (who do not need to change at all; the teams must change).…


Please give me some guidance about when and where it is fitting to wear/not wear “US Soccer Referee” logo’d apparel. Referee gear is available to anyone, but I’d rather not mar or mock the good reputation of the referee community with any inappropriate appearances.

USSF answer (December 2, 2008):
Most of the apparel with USSF logos sold by Official Sports International, our sponsor, can be worn almost anywhere, depending on the nature of the event you are attending. Many of those items are meant for leisure wear.

It is, of course, inappropriate to wear the uniform when you are attending a game solely as a spectator, because it invites questions that you are not qualified to answer — because you are not part of this particular game.…


Thanks again, for the forum this has been. Since my discovery of it a couple weeks ago, I have submitted questions on 3 separate occasions. I hope there’s no limit on these.

Here’s my question, brought about partially by a previous response regarding a referee covering tattoos. The Administrative handbook states that the referee crew must wear the same length of sleeves, but does not make mention of long sleeved undershirts. Is a referee allowed to wear a long sleeved undershirt (I would assume black would be the default) with a short sleeved jersey? Or are long sleeved undershirts only permitted under long sleeved jerseys? Also, if a referee chooses to wear a long sleeved black shirt (dri-fit style I would assume) under his short sleeved jersey, and the rest of the crew also wears short sleeves, is this acceptable? Thanks.

USSF answer (December 1, 2008):
Referees should strive for the most professional look possible. Wearing long-sleeved undershirts under a short-sleeved jersey does not meet the criteria for a professional appearance.

However, you might check to see if your local referee association has a rule on this (many do). For example, one local assignor we know of requires that all referees she assigns wear only black undershirts and under no circumstances combine a long-sleeved undershirt with a short-sleeved jersey.…


There was controversy in a game in the Premier League today where Arsenal’s Robin Van Persie was “played onside” when a through ball played by his Arsenal colleague Denilson was diverted to Van Persie by Chelsea’s Ashley Cole. The diversion of the ball, although slight, was from a deliberate attempt to play the ball by Cole.

Van Persie was in an offside position when the ball was played by Denilson (and for that matter when Cole touched the ball). The referee in this case ruled that Cole’s attempt to play and touching of the ball then played RVP onside.

Now as I’ve always understood it a player could not be offside from a pass made from an opposing player but in reading the offside rule nowhere do I see mention that the player who passes the ball must be on your own side.

So was Van Persie offside?

USSF answer (December 1, 2008):
In brief, yes, van Persie was offside. He was clearly in an offside position when the ball was played to him by Denilson and the deflection of the ball (if indeed it happened) would make no difference in the referee’s call.…


Worked a match recently in which a throw-in was made nearly straight down and then rebounded to strike an opponent in the face.

As far as I understand the Laws do not address the throw-in which is executed as a spike throw (nearly straight down and which rebounds directly back up) but there is a mention in the ATR although it is not any more clearly defined.

What is the current perspective as to this type of throw? Also what if this throw rebounds and impacts a player – opponent or team mate in the face or chest area?

USSF answer (December 1, 2008):
The reason it is not “more clearly defined” is that everyone should “know” what it is — a ball thrown straight down at the ground. There is, however, a caveat on this: The referee must be sure that this was done deliberately, rather than through an accident or pure lack of skill. If you use that criterion, then you are certain to make the correct decision with regard to a throw that rebounds and impacts a player. I. e., it can range from nothing through delay of the restart to dissent. Usually it is at worst only a simple mistake in not performing the throw-in restart in accordance with the Law.…


Red team is defending an attack by blue team. A red player is clearly in an offside position in the center of the field about 10 yds inside the Blue team’s half, but not interfering in play. Suddenly the ball is cleared to the wing and the red team is now attacking. The ball is played to the offending red player who is now in an onside position on the edge of the PA. It is determined that the red player managed to get the ball as efficient as he did because of his original position and the speed at which the ball found him. Assuming the correct call is offside, where is the ball placed, at the edge of the PA or back up near the halfway line where he was offside? If at the edge of the PA, it seems although the red team is penalized, they have still gained an advantage because the ball is starting so much closer to the goal.

USSF answer (December 1, 2008):
The matter at the crux of the decision for or against offside is this: Where was the player at the moment the ball was last played by one of his teammates? It makes absolutely no difference where the player was before that moment.

Because the red player was in an onside position when the ball was played by one of his teammates and he than became actively involved in the play, a decision for offside would be incorrect and thus there is no reason for a restart. However, if the referee had stopped play and it is then found that the player was not offside, the restart would be a dropped ball at the place where the ball was when play was stopped.

This reasoning is reinforced by the fact that the player was in an offside position in the center of the field and not involved in play when the ball was played to the wing. It is perfectly legal to be in an offside position at any moment while the ball is in play and even at most restarts. What matters is the player’s subsequent involvement (or lack thereof) in play.…