Sometimes I referee a game in which a coach continuously shouts very specific instructions to one or several players for the entire game – essentially telling them every move they should make. Is there any restriction on this?

USSF answer (May 8, 2008):
As long as the coach or other team official does not behave irresponsibly by shouting abusively at the players or attempting to influence the opposing players through shouting false information, there is little restriction on that person’s activities. However, in that regard, we cannot forget the importance of the competitive level of the players as a factor in deciding what is permissible. After all, although there is no formal definition of “tactical instructions,” we have commonly recognized that this would not include choreographing every move, particularly for any match above mid-level youth.…


I am a new 09 ref although at age 59 and a parent of 3, I have many seasons experience as a parent/fan, coach and assistant coach at the rec and classic level. I have been out of it long enough to note the small sided match approach as a great improvement in that it allows more kids to have more touches on the ball! I am however having a slight problem with the variation of the rules that exist between the official brochure I received at my 09 certification training (US Youth Soccer Handbook for Small-sided Games) and the “local” rules that coaches tell me they are following under our local soccer association. 
Perhaps my experience will better illustrate this. Last Saturday I was scheduled to be the sole referee at 2 U-8 matches. I studied up on the rules at this level as described by the manual named above and noted that it involved 4V4, no goalie, throw-ins with repeat for first foul throw, etc. when I got ready to start the first game, I noticed goalies warming up and asked the coach what was up with that. I was told that this was U-9 and that it was 5V5 and that goalies were added at this level. In the interest of letting the kids play the way they were used to, I let the game go on. It was a little awkward having the goal area be the “penalty area” (in terms of the keeper handling the ball) but the game went smoothly.  Also the coaches said that the teams were not used to switching halves at half time (despite what the handbook says) so I let that pass also. The next game I was also told it was U-9 despite what the scheduler (Arbiter). These coaches also said the same thing about the number of players (5 with one of them a goalie) but this time they said there were no throw-ins but rather kick-ins instead. As a new ref without a set of rules to refer to other than the Handbook which does not refer to a U-9 level at all (And trying to apply the U-10 rules on a field designed for U-8 creates a whole other set of problems!!!).  
I don’t want to sound like an obsessive/compulsive but I think that at some point the rules should rule the game although I recognize that at these age levels the primary focus should b having fun. I am going to forward this to my assignor who I hope will be able to give me guidance on this but I wanted to get a “state” answer as well. Thanks,

USSF answer (May 7, 2008):
You can download the current USYSA rules for small-sided soccer from their website. The rules may be found at and more information on small-sided competition may be found at .

As to local rules of competition, the intelligent referee will always obtain a copy of these rules before accepting any assignments. That way he or she knows what lies ahead and he or she can determine whether or not to accept assignments/appointments to those games.

In addition, a key element here is the assignor — the assignor should know what age level the assigned match is played at and should be able to provide the referee with, if not the rules themselves, some indication of where they can be found.…


If (during play) a fight breaks out between 2 opposing players. you (as center ref) blow the whistle for the fight. Neither you nor the AR saw who started the fight, you Red Card BOTH players.

Which would be the restart?
1. Restart where the ball was at the time you blew the whistle with an IFK to the team that had possession of the ball
2. Drop ball at the point of the Serious Foul Play
3. IFK at the point of the SFP to a team of your choice (just like choosing a team for a throw in that went out and you could not determine who last touched the ball)
4. DFK at the point of the SFP to a team of your choice (just like choosing a team for a throw in that went out and you could not determine who last touched the ball)

USSF answer (May 7, 2008):
The Federation has stated quite clearly that the referee must make a decision in all cases of infringements of the Laws, if that is at all possible. If it is not possible to determine who began the fight and both parties appear to be equally involved, then the correct restart is a dropped ball at the place where the ball was when play was stopped, bearing in mind the special circumstances involving the goal area.

If the nearer AR has not seen the incident, it never hurts to ask the AR who is farther away (or the fourth official, if there is one).…


What is the proper or preferred procedure for checking player and coach passes before a game? Everytime I AR a game, I see a different procedure. When I CR a game, I have my own way of doing it. Does it matter as long as it gets done or is there a procedure we should all follow?

USSF answer (May 7, 2008):
There is no standard nationwide procedure for checking passes. Each competition authority has a different sort of pass and a different set of criteria for what information is on the pass and how they should be checked. The referee is best advised to be fully aware of what the competition’s criteria and rules are.…


I attended a tournament this past weekend for my U11 Boys team. After arriving at the fields I noticed that none of the younger teams, U11 included, were being officiated by the required 3 referees. So before the start of my game, I asked the tournament Administrators if we could have 3 refs for our games. They stated that it was their tournament and there-for their rules, they didn’t have to provide AR for a U11 game. I said that I thought that was illegal and that I thought they had to follow sanctioned rules. They simply restated “It’s our tournament, our rules.” What are my rights as a team manager for our team? What is the rule about the number of referees required for tournaments?And is there a difference with the age of the players? What should I do before going to my next tournament to insure this does not happen again?

USSF answer (May 7, 2008):
Unfortunately, we must give you the same response we give to referees who question the crazy rules used in some tournaments. If as a referee you accept the assignment to the tournament, you must follow the rules of that competition. The same is true for teams: If you enter the tournament and play, you must accept and follow the rules of that competition.

There are other methods that can be used. These are spelled out in the USSF Referee Administrative Handbook, available to all referees. It explains what options are available if there is not a full three-man crew.  The diagonal system of control must still be used, but the Handbook provides various alternatives for absent, missing, or even unassigned crew members.  (We have published this numerous times in the past. The full details may be found in the archives. Good luck!)

An alternative that is perfectly acceptable is for the the referee to ask each team for a club linesman, i. e., a person who will hold a flag, run up and down the line, and inform the referee when the ball is out of play. The club linesman may not show direction or indicate fouls or offside. In this alternative system, that is the job of the referee. Someone might even suggest to the tournament committee that they make this system part of the process for each team in the affected age groups.…


During a U/15B match being refereed by a Grade 6 referee, the referee admistrator stopped the game during play from the touchline without consulting the center referee. The match was stopped because one team wore two different colored socks. The entire team had matching socks. There was no color conflict with the opposing team. The certer referee was taken aback by this action and stated there was no written law or rule disallowing this, that simply the entire team had to be dressed alike with no color conflict. The admistrator openly chastised the center referee for not knowing the law. The players changed socks and the match resumed.

I went to the the 2008 Laws of the Game and could find no reference not allowing the wearing of different colored socks. Can you clarify this for me?

USSF answer (May 7, 2008):
There is indeed a requirement for uniformity of socks. While nothing is specifically written in Law 4 regarding the color of socks, tradition and common practice dictate that all members of a team (with the possible exception of the goalkeeper) wear socks of the same color, rather than each wearing his or her own choice or wearing socks of one color on one foot and socks of a different color on the other foot.

The ruling will be found in the USSF publication “Advice to Referees on the Laws of the Game,” which is based on the Laws, memoranda from FIFA and the International F. A. Board, and in memoranda and policy papers published by the United States Soccer Federation.

It is implicit in the Law that each side wear a distinctively colored jersey, that shorts and socks be uniform for each team, and that the uniforms be distinguishable from the uniforms worn by the other team. However, the details of the uniform are governed by the competition authority and can vary widely from one match to another. The referee must know and enforce the rules of each competition worked. Players’ jerseys must remain tucked inside their shorts, socks must remain pulled up, and each player must wear shinguards under the socks. All undergarments (slide pants, undershirts, etc.) which extend visibly beyond the required uniform must be as close as possible in color to the main color of the uniform part under which they are worn.

All players must wear jerseys or shirts that distinguish them from the referee and assistant referees. If the colors are the same, the players, not the referees, must change.

Remember that jersey/shirt and shorts must be two separate items, not a single unit.

We are concerned that the overzealous referee administrator interfered and actually forced a stoppage of the game to take care of this matter. By waiting for a stoppage called by the referee, the administrator could have “pointed out” the sock color issue and, if he could, cited a local league or competition rule which clearly required the socks to be of the same color from foot to foot. Otherwise, butt out!!…


I want to bounce off your question from last month on preventing the keeper from releasing the ball. 

Team A shoots on Team B and team B’s keeper catches the ball and starts to run forward to punt the ball out. Team A’s player try’s to run into or stop in the keepers path for the punt. In otherwords is trying to hinder the kick by stepping infront of the keeper.  So as I read this should be a direct kick given to team B but should it be a yellow card also?

USSF answer (May 7, 2008):
Opposing players may not interfere with the goalkeeper’s right to release the ball back into general play. Law 12 tells us:
An indirect free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player, in the opinion of the referee:
– plays in a dangerous manner
– impedes the progress of an opponent
– prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball from his hands
– commits any other offense, not previously mentioned in Law 12, for which play is stopped to caution or dismiss a player
The indirect free kick is taken from where the offense occurred.* (see page 3)

The USSF “Advice to Referees on the Laws of the Game” tells us:
“An opponent may not interfere with or block the goalkeeper’s release of the ball into play. While players have a right to maintain a position achieved during the normal course of play, they may not try to block the goalkeeper’s movement while he or she is holding the ball or do anything which hinders, interferes with, or blocks the goalkeeper who is throwing or punting the ball back into play. An opponent does not violate the Law, however, if the player takes advantage of a ball released by the goalkeeper directly to him or her, in his or her direction, or deflecting off him or her nonviolently.”

And, if the referee attempts to stop the interference but is unsuccessful — and it makes a difference in the goalkeeper’s ability to release the ball — then a caution for unsporting behavior is in order.…


At about 30 yds, fron t of the goal, defender made a foul which requires a caution (no discussion about it). The referee wants to issue a caution but the attacking team plays the DFK immediately in order to gain an advantage. The referee let play. Now on the top of this, the defender who made the foul already had a caution and therefore should have been send off but is not. Could the referee issue the caution at the next stoppage or is the opportuinity gone as the team played the DFK rapidly? I am aware of the USSF memo about stopping the play to issue a caution.

I remember seeing a game in which the referee had the caution in his hand but the team played fast and I beleive the referee gave the caution afterwards.

USSF answer (May 6, 2008):
It is not simply USSF who says that the disciplinary action must be taken before the restart: It is implicit in the Laws, which state it quite clearly. The referee may not delay the caution (or further punishment) until after a subsequent stoppage; it must be done at this stoppage or not at all.

If the team against whom the offense was committed takes the free kick quickly, but the referee KNOWS that this would not be fair to all participants within the Spirit of the Game, then the referee has two ways of dealing with the matter. The first would be to stop play immediately, noting that the restart was taken “incorrectly” and thus making it null and void. He or she may then issue the caution (or greater punishment) and then allow the restart to be retaken “correctly.” The second option depends on the judgment of the referee: If this particular restart is, in the opinion of the referee, an excellent opportunity for the team with the ball, then the incident may be set aside for the moment and later recorded in the match report with full details. This will allow the competition authority to make up its own mind on the matter.…


After a direct free kick was awarded, the three members of the defending team lined up about 6 yards from where the ball was placed for the restart (obviously not yielding the required distance). The attacking team elected to take a quick kick rather than ask for the required ten yards. One of the defenders jumped up and to the side and was able to deflect the ball with his chest. In this situation, should the defender be cautioned for failure to yield ten yards and the free kick retaken, or does the attacking team’s decision to take the kick negate any requirement to yield the required distance? If this situation is a violation of the law, as a follow-up question, if the defenders did not move and were struck by the ball, would this also be a violation?

USSF answer (May 6, 2008):
1. Yes and yes. The defender within ten yards clearly interfered with the taking of the free kick. The attackers have the option to restart even though there are defenders within ten yards but that does not absolve these defenders from the duty to not interfere from within ten yards.  And clearly the ball was not misplayed directly to the opponent — he “jumped up and to the side” in order to deflect the ball.

2. No. If the ball had been kicked directly to a defender who happened to be within ten yards at the time there is no infringement, no card, and no stoppage.…


I had a couple of questions regarding referee uniform and the signal for end of game. Question 1. I know a referee that has several tattoo’s on his forearms. He always wears long sleeve shirts. When I asked him about it, he said he likes to keep them covered to appear more professional. My question is, does he have to go thru this trouble, especially on warm days? Tattoo’s are a lot more commonplace and popular than they were 30 years ago.

The other question is when the referee whistles the end of the game.

I’ve seen many referee’s whistle twice, some just whistle once and point to the center circle. Other times I hear 3 or 4 short blasts of the whistle. I’ve even seen a referee point skyward and watching some games on TV, some referee’s wave both arms back and forth. Is there a proper or preferred whistle signal and/or hand movement to signify the end of the game? Thanks!

USSF answer (May 6, 2008):
1. Although USSF does not have a specific policy on visible tattoos worn by referees, we commend the referee to whom you referred for deciding that his tattoos could detract from his professional appearance and therefore chose to keep them out of sight by wearing a long sleeved jersey.

Obviously, the need for a professional appearance is greater for more competitive, higher skilled matches. After all, the referee should not be the center of attention — the players are.

The length of sleeve the referee chooses to wear sets the standard for the team. If the referee wants to wear the long-sleeve shirt, so be it; the other members of the officiating crew should follow suit. However, if one or both of the assistant referees does/do not have a long-sleeved shirt in the chosen color, then the referee should consider wearing short sleeves if that is possible.

2. There is no standard whistle or other signal for announcing the end of the game.…